Plumstead Gardens £1 Million Parks Investment

The following works at the Plumstead Gardens have now been completed:

  • Repair and redecoration of the boundary gates and railings

  • Repair to the wall at the Church Manorway end of the park

  • Removal of the derelict cricket net frames

  • Replacement of the former broken York stone paths with a bound gravel path

  • Flood alleviation works

Works that will be completed before the end of March in the gardens include

  • Installation of 2 new table tennis tables

  • CCTV Cameras have been delivered and one has been installed (at the Church Manorway end of the park) and the second will be installed following a new electrical supply being installed

  • Damaged bins and benches will be replaced with new

  • Soft landscaping improvements – reduce / remove bund, wildflower seed sowing, shrub bed works and new trees

  • New park entrance signs


Other works to be completed later in the gardens in the spring / summer include:

  • Playground - The contract to extend the playground into the former paddling pool area has been awarded and the new play equipment will be installed before the school summer holidays. The Friends Group helped with the consultation regarding the playground improvements

  • Replacing coping stones on the central wall and painting sections of the playground railings

Cllr Adel Khaireh

Cabinet Member for Culture and Communities


White Hart Road


Better Housing